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Create Perfect


This audio program contains powerful processes to help you revitalise yourself, create a healthy body and experience more dynamic energy.

What's Inside

The track titled Access, Energise & Utilize Your Divine Healing Power assists you to relax and guides you to awaken your innate healing ability. You will be encouraged to activate your healing hands, and then use powerful healing light and specific breathing exercises to connect to various energy centres, unlocking the doors to divine love within you. This audio leads you to embrace your own magnificence fully, steering you to profound self-love and a greater sense of wellbeing.

In the audio titled Create Perfect you will be encouraged to engage your divine intelligence to help you relax, heal and transform. Inna will gently guide you through all the systems of your body as well as various organs. If you have any pain, tension, or discomfort in your body, this is a perfect audio to help you relax, unwind and heal. This is one of Inna’s most profound audios for healing your whole body and learning to love and respect yourself on all levels.

Learn which colours are the most potent to work with for different parts of your body, and how they can strengthen your aura as well as help you release critical, dense, fearful emotions, while allowing love, creativity and joy to enter. Repeat powerful healing statements with Inna and experience vibrancy and a renewed sense of inner wellbeing.

The last track helps you to release fatigue and to super boost your energy by working with specific colours, divine healing energy, enlivening statements and strengthening visualisations.

For best results we encourage you to listen to track 3 in the morning, track 5 anytime during the day when you need a boost of energy and track 4 either morning or just before falling asleep.


Create Perfect Health


  • Introduction - Create Perfect Health

  • How to use these audios

  • access, energise & Utilize your divine healing power

  • create perfect health

  • super-boost your energy

Approximate Running Time: 60 min
